Customer Testimonials

Apacs Stern 90 Offensive Badminton Racket

Great racquet. love it. I've used Badminton Bays' selector tool to narrow the list of possible racquets and then chose one I thought would fit my current abilities best and I was not wrong. :-) I've played with many different racquets before but this one is my current favourite from the first moment. light, fast, strong with great control. and I would like to let know staffs from BB and Apacs that before I've discovered BB and Apacs almost everybody at my gym played with Yonexes. now I can proudly say that at least 80% of racquets being used in our gym are Apacs purchased from BB at my recommendation. And everybody loves them. kudos to BB and Apacs teams.


Roman K., Canada | 02-03-2017