Customer Testimonials

Hi, I think Badminton Bay provides outstanding customer service! Extremely responsive and thoughtful - just excellent!!! But there is one problem - they supposedly sell size US size 12 - but in reality that size is much smaller than "a usual" size US12... So it is VERY important to check the actual length of the shoe sizes - the numbers make no sense and don't follow international standards. This is NOT Badminton Bay's fault, but they should have APACS learn to use the international shoe sizes... otherwise, what is the point of a number system...??
Badminton Bay's reply:
Hi Christian, Thanks so much for your feedback.
We agree with you 100% on the sizing problem throughout the shoes industry right now especially when it comes to shoes manufactured by so many different brands.
Apacs shoes are all in UK sizing, therefore it is quite different from US12. And we always encourage our customers to measure their feet and purchase based on the maximum size shown on our size chart as we measured all our shoes by brand and by model. Feel free to contact us for further assistance ;)
Badminton Bay Team ;)

- Christian Nansen, davis | 09-03-2017