Customer Testimonials

First time customer and I'm thrilled about the service!

I just purchased from Badminton Bay for the first time. I ordered two rackets, Apacs Lethal 10 and Apacs Nano 900 Power Red, with Abroz and Apacs strings respectively. I took advantage of the 20% off combo racket and I'm glad I did. The service was top notch!! Unbeatable!! My rackets were delivered within a week to the United States. The communication between the seller and buyer was just awesome. I can tell that they truly want their customers to be satisfied. I love the free grip that was include in the combo. It's soft and feels really comfortable. In addition, I was most satisfied that a racket drawstring bag was included! Both rackets play amazing for how much they cost. My money was well spent. Definitely looking forward to future business with Badminton Bay!


Mong Joe Lor, Charlotte, NC, USA | 10-01-2018