Customer Testimonials

First class service, Super fast Delivery and Quality Products

I had the pleasure of purchasing four rackets from Badminton Bay recently. I'm so glad I did and can't recommend it highly enough. Every aspect of my interactions with the Badminton Bay team was nothing short of first-class. They responded to my (slightly unusual) questions and queries promptly and provided specific information on certain rackets impressively. Given the breadth of the rackets available here, it was great to have extra support needed beyond what's available on the website. The delivery time of the rackets was ultra impressive. I placed my order on Sunday night and received the goods in Sydney by Friday morning. Not only was it securely delivered, it was easy to keep track of all these online but the added information given via email at key stages of the process was very appreciated. The team also was generous in providing unexpected gifts. Thanks Guys! Keep up the great work. Your reputation for quality service is well-earned and deserved.


C. Tchia, Sydney | 06-10-2024