Customer Testimonials

Badminton Bay is excellent. Quick, reliable, personalized service. Was impressed when with my first purchase I needed an address change after the order and I was contacted promptly by WhatsApp and everything sorted out. I have bought Apacs and Yonex raquets and Yonex feather shuttlecocks and every transaction was perfect. I am now sold on the Apacs brand. My last purchase, an Apacs Stern 90 strung at 23Lbs, has been really responsive and suited to my very aggressive play. Sounds and responds wonderfully for smashes and is so light and well-balanced that it makes my mediocre defense seem much better. To my mind, the quality and price point for Apacs definitely makes it the best value out there. Have been telling my friends about the service and the quality of the raquets.

- Eaton, Kingston, Jamaica | 01-24-2016